Glancing back on Good Friday in the silence of Saturday…

There were many who attended the crucifixion, but one in particular was determined to be a witness to Jesus’ demise, for he had made many advances in what had led up to this event. While he’s never mentioned by name, you can hear him really stirring up the crowd, raising the throttle on the cheering and jeering. Along with the hurled insults he begins directing the spitting and the hitting. He was euphoric watching the torture of Jesus upon that cross, with its excruciating pain and degradation. We see him gleaming and preening before the crowd.

This horrific spectacle is nearly over. Things are beginning to quiet down as the crowd is growing bored and tired and hungry because of how long this is taking. Then suddenly a voice is heard coming from the cross, Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.”

This rabble rouser I have spoken of is none other than Satan, and he is shrieking with anger! It’s not supposed to go down this way. With the Savior gone, it’s supposed to be his kingdom now! He lost the confrontation in the wilderness, but here, he was tasting the sweet bloody victory of defeat. With Jesus out of the way, he was making all kinds of plans for His followers…until he hears those words. He is stunned and fuming. In one sentence, the power Satan thought he was gaining has crumbled at his feet. He cannot attain the satisfaction he seeks because Christ won’t allow it. He’s forgiving His accusers, those who are in the midst of torturing Him to death. He’s actually flipped Satan’s plan on its head.

In an instant, Satan feels the earth quaking, then pulling him under, falling and falling and being swallowed up in utter darkness.