Who told you that you were not beautiful? Really, who was it that put that idea into your head? Was it you or someone else? For YOU, who are made in the very image of God, that is blasphemy! You are God’s masterpiece and you are very beautiful to Him, within and without. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and you are a wonder to behold in the sight of the Lord God Almighty, who delights in His creation of you.
On the human side of things, physical beauty is skin deep, superficial and fleeting. And when physical attractiveness is not accompanied by an inner beauty of grace and goodwill it can change what is observed by others. The outward appearance recedes, while the unattractive personality or behaviors become dominant.
Conversely, possessing an inner beauty (with or without physical attributes), is the only real and lasting treasure to be sought. There is nothing in this world more attractive than what proceeds from a beautiful, God-loving soul. They radiate such gentleness and a caring kindness that draws you in, and all you want to do is just bask in its warmth. Outwardly, they simply glow; if joy had a face it would be theirs and their upbeat spirit and contagious, care-free laughter makes them a joy to be around!
I’ll never forget my son’s youth group skit from many years ago. They had all formed a huge circle and were walking around something in the center that was not visible to us. They were emphatically saying things like: “EWWWW, that is SO GROSS! THAT is DIS-gusting! I’ve never seen anything so horrible! I can’t even look at it!” As the circle pulled back and formed a straight line, seated in a chair was a very handsome youth holding a poster board across his chest that simply read, SIN.
Sin can make us appear so ugly, but Godliness makes us radiant!!
The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of his heart his mouth speaks. Luke 6:45