
Our Christian blog caters to our subscribers who want to experience the true word of God. With so many people claiming to teach the word, it’s sometimes possible for us to become a part of a false religion. For this reason, we want our readers to know they’ll be taught strictly from the inspired word of God. We listen to our readers and formulate our site content based on credible resources, tips, and ideas you can practically apply in your daily life. You don’t have to walk in faith alone.

A Second Look

As promised, a sneak peek at the introduction to my book, Breaking Free: From Demons To Discipleship. With the world in such a state of utter turmoil, perhaps this will be a good reminder of Who is actually in control of all things.  Introduction:             This book is about breaking free.  It’s about breaking free from Satan’s


A First Glimpse

I have been privy to a lot of conversations recently, regarding the finding of solid, Bible study resources. In case the book that I published last year would be of any interest to anyone, I am sharing the outline here, and will follow up in a second posting with the introduction to my book. I


Easter Reflection

Every Easter is a stark reminder that Christians worship a risen Lord.  No other world religion can claim this transcending fact.  The remains of the object of their worship and allegiance, continues to lie silent in a state of death and decay. Our Savior’s tomb is empty!  Hallelujah!! He has risen indeed!  He has conquered the grave, He has conquered our


Spilled Wine

On this Good Friday, I am captivated by the significance of Jesus’ association with wine.  We are well acquainted with the story of the first public display of just “who” this “man” really was: through the miracle of changing water into wine at a wedding feast.  In a sense, this begins a very important introduction of sorts.  In


A Lenten Prayer

*Sent to me by my mother-in-law, author unknown. We give thanks, not for the chaos, but for God’s steady presence with us. We praise God for the comfort offered even in the noise of the maelstrom. It is this love, grace, and mercy that are refined, even in the fires of destruction. This is a



People with a lot of money hire craftsmen to make them gods. The artisan delivers the god, and they kneel and worship it!  Isaiah 46:6 Preoccupying my thoughts of late have been the two thieves flanking Christ at His crucifixion.  We have three crosses: two are occupied by criminals and upon the third one hangs, The Christ.  The


The Collection Plate: Worth More Than A Passing Glance

*This is an article I wrote many years ago (when I was an active UMC member, now Baptist) that I was recently reminded of, so I decided to share it here. It was Christ the King Sunday. The worship service was rich and deep and meaningful. Inbetween the sermon and the offering our attention was


A Sacred Searching

God, your God, will restore everything you lost; he’ll have compassion on you; he’ll come back and pick up the pieces from all the places where you were scattered. Deuteronomy 30; selected verses. Have you ever misplaced something—your keys, a wallet, important papers?  When we lose something, we usually begin searching the most likely places it


A Dream Fulfilled

To me, one of the most fascinating things God created our minds to do is to dream while we sleep.  I actually look forward to these little “movies” playing across my mind at night.  The sheer creative process that is taking place in formulating a dream is so amazing to me!  Dreams can range from the bizarre and


Soul Freedom

(There were fireworks going off on my street as I was writing this blog!) Today, we celebrate once again our nation’s independence, and continue to hold allegiance in our hearts for those brave men and women who have, and continue to fight, for the principles of freedom.  America’s strong history was conceived on the basis of


A Bolt Out Of The Blue

It is often said that, “no good deed goes unpunished”.  Well, that’s part of the story that befell my husband and I not too long ago.  So, relax and get comfy because this story is going to take a little time to set up… My husband is an avid music lover and has worked in the industry


Redeemed and Restored

I had experienced a couple of minor injuries recently and was thanking God, as I often do, for the miraculous way in which he knitted our bodies together. Meaning, the power evidenced in the ability of our bodies to experience physical healing from the inside out. As soon as that minute prayer was over, immediately