A Wholly Holy Christmas

Author’s Note: I am intentionally submitting this entire writing in bold print. It represents the boldness with which this child came, lived and left this world. He loved, healed and taught boldly! He feared no one—human or spirit—and because of this, He assures us repeatedly we need not have a spirit of fear, for He goes before us; He carries us; He sustains us. We come boldly to the throne of grace, knowing the humble, vulnerable beginnings of His earthly entrance which culminated in the humility of the cross—a sacred suffering on our behalf.

The most beautiful moments of Christmas for me, is the ever-deepening realization that this newborn baby, lying in a manger, knew every single one of us long before we were ever born.  That is why He came.  For us.  Jesus came for us.  

Isaiah prophesied about the coming of our Lord and King some 700 years prior to the arrival of this blessed event. Do not think for one moment that a prophet could foretell such an event without God incarnate knowing it—and us—from the moment of creation. From you [Bethlehem] One will go forth for Me to be ruler in Israel. His goings forth are from long ago, [even] from the days of eternity. Micah 5:2.

Like the woman at the well, He knows everything about us. We need to come to the cradle thirsty. We need to come seeking His eternal wisdom and authority over our lives. In the modern vernacular, let us “crush” the crèche with kindness, compassion, and humble service.

God knows us from top to bottom, inside and out, from beginning to end.  This is Alpha and Omega love that compels Him to give so great a gift to the very ones who are so undeserving of it!  For God so loved this worldand at precisely the right time, He gave us everything. He gave us Himself. Emmanuel, God with us. May we thank Him and praise Him continually; may the way in which we live our lives be reflective of our first and greatest love.

We speak of Jesus willingly laying down His life on that torturous cross for the salvation of the world.  Yet, He first willingly chose to descend heaven’s throne, wrapping Himself in the skin of humanity. Allow that thought to fully sink in: this is Deity wrapped in swaddling clothes; born to die for our eternal souls. He would rather die on our behalf, than to leave us dead in our own trespasses, causing us to be separated forever.  

How true those ancient words…if God is for us—then who can be against us?!  Can anyone ever do harm to us that cannot be undone and outdone by God’s extravagant love for us? His amazing grace is our saving grace, for a Saviour has been born to us. Love indeed, came down at Christmas…

Merry Christmas everyone!  May God’s light shine brightly upon your path and may His overflowing love spill deep within your soul.

1 Love came down at Christmas,

love all lovely, Love divine;

Love was born at Christmas;

star and angels gave the sign.

2 Worship we the Godhead,

Love incarnate, Love divine;

worship we our Jesus,

but wherewith for sacred sign?

3 Love shall be our token;

love be yours and love be mine;

love to God and others,

love for plea and gift and sign.

Christina Georgina Rossetti