About Us

First Things First proudly serves their community of nationwide friends and neighbors. We feature fresh content to help you build or rebuild your relationship with God. You’re more than another viewer to us, you’re more like a part of our growing family in the body of Christ. Our faith-based blog is available to our readers whenever and wherever they need it the most from any compatible device.

My Story

About Me

I’m Wendy Jones and I am here because I love the Lord with all my heart and want to serve and praise Him with all that is in me! I believe God’s inexhaustible riches are worthy of taking the time to ponder–together. My hope is that we will mutually benefit from growing together in joy and encouragement, in trust and hope, and that we will experience a fresh, rich deepening of our respective faith journeys.
So why First Things First? Every story has a good beginning and the greatest story ever told is the beginning of everything. It is there from whence all time and life began, and from there we are sustained. From the very, very first–He chose us all.  It serves  to remind us of the seeming timelessness between then and now. What an arc of history! What a patient lengthening of the Lord’s joy in welcoming us into the fold. The blood that courses through our veins at this very moment was continually flowing toward us from that initial, central story. A story still flowing, still continuing, still being writ large on the hearts of God’s people. Consider this beautiful quote from beloved theologian, Charles Spurgeon…

A lady in gray outfit with her blonde hair down

You take a divine promise, spoken thousands of years ago, and lo, it is fulfilled to you!  It becomes as true to you as if God had spoken it for the first time this very day, and you were the person to whom it was addressed.

The decision to put God first in all things is the wisest decision a person can make.  For in so doing, you have inherited every single promise the Lord has made from generation to generation, and you shall keep them from everlasting to everlasting!  You have become eternity’s child. I look forward to sharing more about myself through this blog, and I am looking very much forward to hearing from you, my new friends in Christ. May grace and peace reign in your hearts…

- Wendy Jones

Author, Certified Lay Speaker, Stephen Minister, Certification work in Spiritual Formation, Wesley Theological Seminary

Feel free to contact me with prayer requests and if desired, one on one Christian counseling.

*Author note: Every good and perfect gift that flows from the Father is free, from salvation to talents.  Likewise, this site is free. You will never see an ad for the purpose of generating revenue; you’ll always have free access to all content, not portions of the site set up as subscription only. Your information is never shared or sold. Jesus instructed His disciples to take nothing extra on their journey to spread The Gospel, but to rely fully on whatever their hosts provided.  To that end, love offerings would be graciously received and be used to offset the cost of maintaining the site.  Thank you.

A person swimming in the sea pointing at the sunset sky