
Family holding hands around the kitchen table praying before eating the meal


Faith is one of the strongest resources available to us in an effort to overcome any situation. If we have

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A statue above the mountain during a sunset

If God is Love

If God is love, and love is charity, we should be showering the world with love. Faith is a universal

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A woman raising her shoulder and a shadow of a woman in a cape

Prayer Warriors

God’s prayer warriors are our heroes of the faith. I have been a believer since I was a small child,

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Two women talking over a fence

The Good Neighbor

Our church is in the process of reading through the New Testament one chapter per day.  Selected portions of the

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Mcdonalds sign board and a coconut tree behind

A Tale of Tails

When it comes to the quintessential fast food we all crave, most agree McDonald’s is the clear winner.  For me,

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