
It is interesting how words come in and out of fashion, or become redefined over time. The rather “old-world” British term, bespoke, has gained increased popularity in the marketing of boutique businesses over the past decade or more. While “bespoke” has retained the bones (or shall I say threads) of its original meaning–a gentleman’s tailor made suit –it has come to represent any (and many) goods and services that are specifically tailored to the client or customer. Owing to the repetitive nature of hearing this word, bespoke, I began to think about it in the absolute literal sense. Doing so, brings a fresh breath of meaning to this word.

God spoke creation into being. ‘Let there be light“…and there was light. God also spoke us into being as well. Immediately following the forming of Adam and Eve in God’s very own image, Genesis 1:28 gives us this incredible account:

God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.

Just as God spoke and brought order to all of creation, He spoke a blessing over Adam and Eve, and by His directive, He was essentially speaking the breath of life into all of humanity; speaking it into fruition. That holy blessing proclaimed over the fruit of the womb, was so powerfully lasting in its reach, that it would literally fill the earth! Every human life carries a remnant of that divinely spoken directive in the seat of our soul. There is a space within us that only God can fill, whether or not it is recognized by man.

As God breathed life into Adam, there is a sense in which we carry the originating life breath of God within us. However, it is through the Holy Spirit (literally translated, “breath of God”) that we experience the source, guidance, purpose and blessing of God’s life-sustaining power. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is God within us.

For the Christian, there is no better definition of “bespoke” than having been spoken into being by our Creator. We are custom made; we have been individually crafted as one of a kind, and we are a tailor-made fit for His deepest desire…an everlasting fellowship in His kingdom.

Hallelujah and Amen!

Hymn suggestion for listening online or just prayerfully meditating on the lyrics: Breathe On Me, Breath Of God