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A Second Look

As promised, a sneak peek at the introduction to my book, Breaking Free: From Demons To Discipleship. With the world in such a state of utter turmoil, perhaps this will be a good reminder of Who is actually in control of all things.  Introduction:             This book is about breaking free.  It’s about breaking free from Satan’s


A First Glimpse

I have been privy to a lot of conversations recently, regarding the finding of solid, Bible study resources. In case the book that I published last year would be of any interest to anyone, I am sharing the outline here, and will follow up in a second posting with the introduction to my book. I


Easter Reflection

Every Easter is a stark reminder that Christians worship a risen Lord.  No other world religion can claim this transcending fact.  The remains of the object of their worship and allegiance, continues to lie silent in a state of death and decay. Our Savior’s tomb is empty!  Hallelujah!! He has risen indeed!  He has conquered the grave, He has conquered our


Spilled Wine

On this Good Friday, I am captivated by the significance of Jesus’ association with wine.  We are well acquainted with the story of the first public display of just “who” this “man” really was: through the miracle of changing water into wine at a wedding feast.  In a sense, this begins a very important introduction of sorts.  In


A Lenten Prayer

*Sent to me by my mother-in-law, author unknown. We give thanks, not for the chaos, but for God’s steady presence with us. We praise God for the comfort offered even in the noise of the maelstrom. It is this love, grace, and mercy that are refined, even in the fires of destruction. This is a



People with a lot of money hire craftsmen to make them gods. The artisan delivers the god, and they kneel and worship it!  Isaiah 46:6 Preoccupying my thoughts of late have been the two thieves flanking Christ at His crucifixion.  We have three crosses: two are occupied by criminals and upon the third one hangs, The Christ.  The