One Plus One=Majority

One on God’s side is a majority. Wendell Phillips

Being found on God’s side means you are found among the overwhelming majority of two: you and God. Each individual life is what constitutes the majority, for this is how He works within the human soul. In Him, there is no such thing as a life of mediocrity nor any chance of living in obscurity. You are much too important to Him! You are known personally, and your found self will be exposed to, and participate in, the greatest influence for good in the history of mankind. That is no small matter! It is living large and with perfecting purpose of Divine will.

Yes, let us continue to be called into God’s majority by living according to His word. Let us be high and lifted up to the throne of grace, where we are known and beloved as unique individuals by God, and whatever work He calls us to, may we be found faithful.

Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God’s side, for God is always right. Abraham Lincoln