Redeemed and Restored

I had experienced a couple of minor injuries recently and was thanking God, as I often do, for the miraculous way in which he knitted our bodies together. Meaning, the power evidenced in the ability of our bodies to experience physical healing from the inside out. As soon as that minute prayer was over, immediately a series of cascading thoughts entered my mind.

When sin befell us in the Garden of Eden, and there was a marked separation from God and his original intent for man, I realized in a different way that there are still numerous ways in which our God of infinite love continues to compensate for the brokenness within us, body and soul.

Initially, we were created to live with God eternally—literally experiencing heaven on earth for there was to be no death. When Adam and Eve chose wrongly and sin entered the world, a lot of very bad and long-lasting consequences happened. But not everything had changed. There are still many ways that we exhibit the origins of our making, and can experience the healing of our maker.

After the act of sin was committed, there was separation and shame, but God shed the blood of an animal to atone for their sin and to cover their nakedness. While death had henceforth entered into man, he wasn’t immediately struck down. Because of God’s great love for us, there was grace even then. Our compassionate father allowed us to live and to walk upon this earth for many years. Even as our bodies begin to age in advance of our physical death, he left the ability for the physical healing of our bodies to take place. Only God could fathom such a way for our bodies to heal themselves, and when further intervention is required, he puts into the minds of men a path of discovering how to heal us from the outside in: through medicine, surgery, treatments and sometimes plain miracles!

God also created and blessed our bodies in a particular way that has been exhibited every single day from the Garden of Eden, to present day—through the beauty of procreation.  From the protection and growth within the womb, to producing life through childbirth and even creating the provision of sustenance through the production of mother’s milk, this is nothing short of miraculous!  God’s creative, designing hand is all over that entire experience.

While many turn away from it, God’s presence has never left the soul of man.  While he no longer strolls about the earth as he did with Adam and Eve, speaking with them on an intimate basis, he has still provided the means of communication through the intimacy of prayer.  It is the greatest power that exists for us today.  He continues to speak to man through his numerous prophets, through evidence of his miracles and through the entirety of his Living Word.  Connection with God has never been completely severed. He has—and always will—leave behind a remnant of his people for the restoration of every nation.

Finally, as was the plan from eternity’s beginning, God has provided the most unbelievable, incredible end to humanity’s sin.  It is Jesus nailed to a cross.  Oh, the wonder of it all!  Only through the cross, are we fully restored to God’s original intent for man—eternal life in his presence. What a magnificent healing he has provided! It is a fully completed work…it is finished. Come, and be healed.