The Beauty Within

The life of every living thing is in his hand, as well as the breath of all humanity. Job 12:10

All of nature reflects the wondrous beauty of God’s creative hand. Daily, we have been given this extraordinary gift of being surrounded by a stunningly beautiful world. It is so exquisite, that at times it literally catches our breath…it may be a spectacular sunrise or sunset, or a moon that can only be called, “Glorious!” In all of this, we are eye witnesses to His glory. God is also the great “interior designer”, for there lies a very complex and intricate beauty within every human life that cannot be seen with the naked eye, we can only see its outward effects.

Did you know that the human body produces two million cells every second, or sixty billion in one day?! The total number of cells in the body is thirty-seven trillion! Around two million cells die every second, and as we age, the replacement rate slows down, which explains the typical signs of aging we all experience, such as changes in skin, sight, joints and memory.

Scientists have also discovered that 100 trillion atoms are at work inside every individual cell. Staggering, isn’t it? Greater still is the magnificent molecular structure of DNA, which encompasses our genetic information that passes down from each generation, transmitting our inherited traits. DNA is comprised of approximately three billion base pairs, which are the complimentary molecules that bind together to form the “rung” of the DNA “ladder”.

There is such an abundance of genetic material contained within our DNA, that if you uncoiled and stretched out all of the DNA inside our cells, it would be twice the diameter of our solar system! Aside from all of the organized information inherent in our DNA, studies have also shown its incredible beauty. The base pairs of DNA resemble stained-glass windows of very intricate and beautiful designs. WOW!


*Selected scientific quotes taken from Dr. Stephen Davey’s book, In Living Color: The Curriculum of Creation.