On our way to church one morning there was a young deer just beginning to cross the road right in front of us. As we looked to the right, we saw four adult deer standing stock still in a clearing. They were all looking intently in the same direction–that of the young deer. As soon as that “little dear” made it safely across, the small herd, in one accord, turned and scampered off into the woods.

What a powerful display of family caretaking in the wild. It is also a solemn reminder for the family of God. We too, need to stand and take watch, making sure that our young, and the young in faith, are making it safely across the divide. We cannot afford to turn and leap away down our own path in life. Not when statistics tell us that well over half of college students who previously were active in attending church, are not returning to the fold.

Leaving the safe shelter and familiar routines of home, they are suddenly bombarded with the noise of so many differing views and opinions–and options. Some, we are told, are being ridiculed and ostracized for their faith. We can understand why it may become easier, and at times safer, to simply go dark; to turn away from the church.

Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. (1Peter 5:8)

The lion is on the prowl for our children, young and old, as never before. In this time of spiritual warfare, let us stand in the gap with the strength and courage of a deep-rooted faith. May we be bold in our prayers, in our mentoring, and in our example of Christian living. And let’s try to make sure our senior youth do not feel forgotten by their church family when they leave for college. Let’s drown out those competing voices with cards, emails, texts, and care packages. Surprise them with a visit if possible. Hold “welcome home” event gatherings at church, or take turns hosting dinner with a movie or game nights in your home when they come back for semester breaks.

Let’s love our children and youth like God does–with all the love there is…