Unconditional Love?

We hear this phrase repeatedly, “God loves us unconditionally.” This may seem like a harmless statement, and when used it is probably meant to bring encouragement to others. Yet, however well-intentioned, it is a biblically inaccurate statement. The truth of the matter is, God’s love is very conditional and with good reason.

The Creator and Sustainer of all that is, is the only One who has the privilege of determining the rules. Only the Designer can possess the full knowledge of intent and purpose for what has been designed. Only the Designer has the intimate knowledge of the conditions necessary for proper functioning, indeed, for our complete optimization.

For this reason, God has clearly and consistently established boundaries concerning us. These are always profitable boundaries placed in our own best interests: in the Garden of Eden, in the Ten Commandments, and most lovingly in Jesus Christ. Yes, God loves His children and desires that all will turn to Him. Even though He already knows this will not happen, He continues to pursue us because He never stops wanting us.

For those who do come, they come by His Way, they come by faith, they come by confession. They come by acknowledging they are sinners in need of God’s grace and forgiveness. They come by believing who Jesus is and why He came–as a substitutionary death for their sin, in order that they may inherit eternal life.

These are the prerequisites, the conditions by which we may come to the throne and enter into His kingdom. To believe, to repent, then to live out our lives as a new creation. Just as God spoke creation into being, so we must participate in speaking our “new creation” into being through confession and profession of faith. That is when we become an entirely new creature, the very one we were originally designed to be; for the old self has passed away and all things have been made new for us. It’s the greatest reset button known to man. It is our saving grace.

The “unconditional” love of God that people often refer to, is perhaps better expressed as the unconditional right, means, or ability we all have been given to come unto Him. No matter who we are, or what we may have done, He will avail Himself to anyone and everyone who desires to be in relationship with Him. It is this unconditional provision from a holy God, that grants us the ability to seek and to be saved.

“Unconditional love”, however, carries no weight, no burden, no rhyme or reason. It’s superfluous, superficial, and void of true commitment in any relationship. True love costs us something–our time, our attention, our effort, our energy and our unending commitment. God’s love for us cost Him the greatest sacrifice of all, and it was willingly and freely given to anyone who would simply accept it. This free gift of salvation was ultimately given for our own personal freedom from sin and death. No greater love exists than this.


God is always near…just this morning my husband showed me this quote that was on his computer: